The Critical Eye: High school | College Prep: Mondays 10am - 12pm; April 4 to June 20

The Critical Eye: High school | College Prep: Mondays 10am - 12pm; April 4 to June 20

from $495.00

Meets for 2hrs once a week for 12 weeks, Price $550, min class size 6

The Critical Eye is an art appreciation course designed for individuals looking to develop not only a eye for art, but the ability to research, analyze, and present on art in academic settings. Students will be instructed on how to approach art as a viewer, as a professional, and as an academic. Students will learn how artists make art, why they make art, and why certain works hold cultural value. In addition to these standard themes found in most art appreciation courses, we will explore the work of critical thinkers and their ideas and concepts relating to media and images.

This course is excellent for students who want to be able to develop the academic writing skills for the fine arts as well as for students that want to take these analytical skills to other disciplines beyond the arts.

Students will have the opportunity to utilize the analytical skills developed in the course to create a paper and presentation on a topic of their choosing while under the guidance and assistant of the instructor.

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